Welcome to my World

Welcome to my World

domingo, 3 de maio de 2015

God only permits evil for large goods

Ola boa tarde :) hoje trago fotos de um local chamado Palmela no distrito de Setúbal,nao fiquei indiferente a beleza que este local me transmitiu e captei o melhor dele,isto surgiu numa viagem que tive de fazer a Setúbal para tratar de problemas graves..entretanto quando vinha para casa o carro avariou completamente...para juntar a festa foram problemas graves...mas eu nao fiquei preocupado.Deus cuida do meu amanha quando eu tenho fé e acredito nele,entretanto no meio deste triste acontecimento eu nao me deixei ficar para traz e comecei a captar as coisas lindas que havia neste sitio como a beleza dessa primavera :) espero que gostem um grande abraço .. DEUS so permite o mal para grandes bens Hello good afternoon :) today I bring photos from a place called Palmela in the district of Setúbal, was not indifferent to beauty that this place gave me and caught the best of it, it came on a trip I had to do to Setúbal to deal with serious problems. .However when he came home the car broke down completely ... to join the party were serious problems ... but I was not worried.God heed my tomorrow when I have faith and believe in it, though in the midst of this sad event I do not let me stay behind and started to catch the beautiful things he had this place like the beauty of this spring :) hope you like a big hug .. God only permits evil for large goods

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